1. Mitsuboshi Belting Ltd.
  2. sustainability
  3. Sustainability management promotion system

ESG Management

Deepening ESG Management

Sustainability management promotion system

(1) Approach to sustainability management:

The Mitsuboshi Belting Group works to implement ESG management in order to achieve a “trade-on” between corporate value and environmental/social value under the corporate philosophy of “To give attentive consideration to both humanity and nature.” Setting “contribution to the realization of a sustainable society (improvement of social and economic value)” as one of our goals in “FY2030 Target Position,” we work to resolve each ESG issue with a focus on the identified materiality.

(2) Sustainability management promotion system:

In the present day, with the role that companies should play for the environment and society having become more important, with the aim of reconsidering the role that the Mitsuboshi Belting Group should play and the significance of its existence and of quickly and effectively implementing ESG management, we established the Sustainability Promotion Committee, chaired by the President, in April 2022.

A sustainability promotion organization is set up for each identified material issue (the relevant committee/business department or working group that is under the direct control of the Sustainability Promotion Committee serves as a sustainability promotion organization) to address the resolution of each issue and manage KPIs. The progress of implementation is reported to the Sustainability Promotion Committee, which monitors, provides instructions on, judges, and evaluates it. The activities of the Sustainability Promotion Committee are reported to the Board of Directors as necessary.

a. Composition of the Sustainability Promotion Committee:
Members:Directors (5 persons), Executive Officers (4 persons), Manager class (1 person)
Observer:Corporate Auditor (1 person)
Secretariate:Sustainability Promotion Department (2 persons)

b. Structure of the Sustainability Promotion Committee:
Meeting frequency:Once a month
Content of deliberation:
ⅰ) Formulation of group-wide strategies to address sustainability issues, supervision of the progress, and provision of advice
ⅱ) Discussion on the status of efforts to address each material issue
ⅲ) Identification of sustainability issues to be deliberated by the Board of Directors and reporting to the Board of Directors

c. List of main agenda items of the Sustainability Promotion Committee:

Period Main agenda
  • List of issues to be addressed by the Sustainability Promotion Committee and activity progress management
  • Reporting of WG activities
  • Reporting of FY2021 results (CO2 emissions, water resource/material input, waste generation, wastewater generation)
  • Status of achievement prospects for CO2 emission reduction targets
  • Roadmap for carbon neutrality
  • CO2 emission results in Q1 in FY2022
  • Revision of the Group’s Code of Conduct
  • Human resources strategy
  • Human rights due diligence
  • Reporting of the results of external evaluation related to climate change
  • Setting of CO2 emission reduction targets for the Group’s sites
  • Development of eco-friendly products
    – Formulation and disclosure of medium-to long-term roadmap
  • Development of eco-friendly products
    – Development of products using sustainable materials
  • CO2 emission results in FY2022 – Q1 to Q3 in FY2022
  • Setting of CO2 emission reduction target for the interim year
  • ESG Data – Enhancement of information disclosure
  • Hazard screening associated with climate change